What Happens If A Person With Lice Visits A Hairstylist

What Happens If A Person With Lice Visits A Hairstylist? – Everything You Need To Know In 2023!

Having head lice can be annoying and unpleasant. A common question is whether a person with head lice can still get their hair styled at a salon.

If someone with lice visits a hair stylist, it’s important for the stylist to know about it so they can take proper precautions and avoid spreading lice to other clients. It’s best for the person with lice to seek treatment before going to the stylist.

In this article, we’ll explore this common concern and give you the information you need.

How To Identify Lice?- Take A Look Over Them!

  • Look for Adult Lice: Adult lice are small, about the size of a sesame seed. They are usually greyish-white or tan.
  • Check for Nits (Lice Eggs): Nits are oval or teardrop-shaped and typically yellow or white. They are tiny, about the size of a pinhead, and are firmly attached to the hair shaft near the scalp.
  • Focus on the Scalp: Lice tend to stay close to the scalp, so concentrate your examination there. Use a fine-toothed lice comb to help identify and remove lice and nits from the hair.
  • Look for Movement: Adult lice can be challenging to spot because they move quickly. Nymphs and nits are usually easier to identify.
How To Identify Lice?
source: Licefree

How Are Lice Spread? – Let’s See!

  • Close Personal Contact: Lice is most commonly transmitted through close personal contact, such as hugging, sharing hats, or touching heads.
  • Sharing Personal Items: Sharing personal items like combs, brushes, hair accessories, or headphones can also lead to lice transmission.
  • Contact with Contaminated Surfaces: Lice can sometimes be transmitted by coming into contact with contaminated surfaces, such as pillows or bedding used by an infested person.
How Are Lice Spread?
source: Pinterest

5 Ways To Cope When Your Client Gets Head Lice?- Essential Factors!

Dealing with a client who has lice can be challenging for both the hair stylist and the client. It’s important to approach the situation with professionalism, sensitivity, and care. Here are five ways to cope when your client has lice:

Maintain Privacy and Discretion:

Ensure that you respect the client’s privacy and maintain discretion. Discuss the issue privately rather than in a public setting to avoid embarrassing the client.

Handle the Situation with Empathy:

Use a compassionate and nonjudgmental approach when discussing the lice infestation with the client. Express your understanding and willingness to help.

Recommend Lice Treatment:

Provide information about lice treatment options. Recommend over-the-counter or prescription treatments and offer guidance on how to use them effectively. Emphasize the importance of following treatment instructions.

Recommend Lice Treatments
source: Serenity Loves

Communicate Salon Policies:

Inform the client about your salon’s policies regarding lice infestations. This may include rescheduling the appointment after the infestation is resolved. These policies are in place to protect the health and well-being of all clients and staff.

Reschedule the Appointment with a Smile:

If your salon has a “no service” policy for clients with lice, kindly explain the situation and offer assistance in rescheduling the appointment. Ensure the client feels welcome to return after treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can a hairstylist see lice?

Yes, due to their expertise and experience, hair stylists are able to find lice or nits during hair visits. They have the ability to covertly notify clients and offer suitable remedial measures.

2. Do head lice spread disease?

Although head lice do not pose a serious threat to the public’s health, they can be uncomfortable and interfere with sleep, which could result in secondary skin illnesses.

3. Are health departments required to receive reports of head lice infestations?

The majority of health departments don’t demand head lice infestation reports. However, disclosing details about head lice contact with school nurses, classmates’ parents, and other parties may be advantageous for the good of others.


In conclusion, 

If a person with lice visits a hairstylist, it may cause lice to spread to other people. The person with lice must get medical attention and refrain from going to the stylist until they are free of lice. This keeps the area clean and safe for everyone while also preventing the spread of lice.

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